Earlier in the week it was predicted that we were going to see some flurries over the weekend. Yesterday, the forecast changed to a winter storm with a chance for 4-6 inches. Last last night, it updated to 8-10 inches! I showed Noah before he went to bed that it was snowing and he was thoroughly excited! He definitely wanted there to be some accumulation. It had already begun covering the grass by the time I actually was heading to bed late last night.
This morning Noah woke up at 6:00 AM, "MOM! DAD! SNOOOOOW!!" He ran for his shoes, "Boot, boot, go outside, snow!" He was desperate to go outside and play. We had already accumulated about three inches at this time. I definitely did not want to go outside when it was still dark, so, I convinced him to lay in bed and watch some Halloween cartoons. Seven-thirty rolls around and he couldn't wait any longer. He had been patient with us and allowed us a little more time in bed, but it was far beyond time to go play in the snow...now over four inches accumulation. It took me forever to find everything because I was most certainly not prepared with his snowsuit and gloves during October! Unfortunately, I realized his snow suit and jacket are 2T (he wears 3T), but luckily enough it suited him just fine! He was dressed and ready to go by 8:00 AM! He was immediately frustrated when he realized it was much harder to "mow" when there was a couple inches of snow on the ground! But, he managed to content himself with grabbing snow and throwing it at me. He is much better with snowball fights this year than the last! Oh my, he got me good! Right in my face! He was giggling and playing so hard!
Then we went to the store to pick up some flashlights in the case our power went out. When you have snow in October the trees are not able to hold up all of that snow! Soon we realized there were trees everywhere...on houses, cars, in the street! I guess that is the price you pay when you tick mother nature off with all this lack of conservation our society has grown with. We had planned on taking Noah to "Halloween on the Square" downtown this morning, but obviously the festival was cancelled! We were fortunate to hear that they were still hosting the trick-or-treating at the local businesses though! So we got home and got Noah dressed in some layers and his Halloween costume. Noah was much more excited to put his costume on this time because he thought we were going to another Halloween party like when he had it on the other day!
By 1:15 PM we were done and ready to go home for naps. I told Noah, "when we get home it is nap time." He didn't seem to have any issue with the phrase today. Thank goodness because Mommy and Daddy were exhausted! He is gratefully napping peacefully right now and I am currently raiding his candy!! Yummy!
Oh...and it has finally stopped snowing with about 8 inches in our yard. What a lovely Snowtober it is!