This year we are trying to find new ways to go green in our household! It is something that has to happen over time because we sure don't have the money to switch everything over all at once! The past month or so we have started to unplug everything in our house and use power strips that we can turn off easily for the TV and other devices. We even unplug our washer and dryer! Not only is this GREAT for the environment, but it is also great for SAVING MONEY on our electricity bill! We noticed that our porch light comes on every time the wind blows; so now it stays off unless we need it!
I also wash all of our laundry on COLD!

Another thing we have done is switch over our light bulbs to energy saving ones. This was nice because we also got to choose what type of lighting we wanted for each room. The range from white to yellow is quite large when it comes to eyesight and comfortability.
We also open our curtains and blinds throughout the day to receive more natural light in our home. This allows us to keep our lights off during the day and only use them at night.
Lastly, we have adjusted our thermostat! Keeping the temperature lower in the winter and using blankets or sweaters and keeping it higher in the spring and summer while opening windows for a breeze. During the night turn it down and use another blanket! Turn it down when you aren't home, but not off! If you turn it off then it makes it have to work a lot harder when you turn it back on; whereas if you leave it on a lower temp it can manage that temp while being on and barely working. This creates less work on your unit, thus less on the electricity, thus better for the environment AND your utility bill!
Maybe these are some things you should try in your household! It is a little different to get used to, but it is really a good thing. It makes you more aware of what exactly goes on in your household.
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