So, today I woke up at a decent hour, but not as early as I would have liked. Considering my only "job" is caring for my son and I do not have a responsibility to be somewhere at a certain time...I have managed to wake up when Noah wakes up for the day which often varies. This morning it was 10:30 AM when I got out of bed to pick up the little one from his crib. Daddy went off to school and Noah cried as he watched him drive away; it was quite sad.
I then started to pack his bag to go to Nana's for a couple of days so that some cleaning could be accomplished at home. We have managed to completely clear our living room and kitchen area since the move...and Noah's room is nearly always clean, but our it is like a hurricane has run through there. You would have thought that since I am home all the time that I would be able to go through all of the papers and too small clothing, but that has not happened. I am either completely exhausted from cleaning after Noah all day long or I am playing with him; which leaves the piles sitting there.
When Daddy came home from school we gathered ourselves and hit the road to meet up with Nana. I know that I have needed this break for a while so that I can get some things done, but the moment came down to take the little monkey out of my arms, I really didn't want to let him go. The day that a job does come along is going to be such a blessing for us, but so sad because I will miss Noah every single second that I am not with him.
Steven got called into work, so our evening of alone time together didn't get to happen. The other day I had written some new house rules on the white board (we do this every so often to keep our lives somewhat organized) and so far Steven has not added anything other than what I wrote. Pretty much it was that I would start running every MWF and doing yoga or meditation on the other days. Today was the first Monday since the rules were written and it couldn't have been a better day to start the running.
I absolutely love running in the rain and today was the loveliest rainy day!

I got my blackberry and my headphones to set the running jives and then once I put that sports bra over my other bra (have to have that extra support, sorry guys!) the veins just started pumping. I walked out the door and one of our neighbors had just pulled into his driveway; I gave him a wave and once I hit the end of the driveway my ran began. It felt so good and I felt like I was in my old body again. I wanted to keep running forever, but I decided that since it was the first day on the running I would only do one lap and walk one lap. I ran the entire neighborhood and waved to everyone who I passed or passed me driving. I felt like I was actually doing something good for myself.
It was funny earlier today when I stepped into the bathroom. I usually weigh myself at least once a day if not more...well I hadn't weighed myself in about a week shockingly and today I took the plunge. I had lost 3 pounds without even doing much of anything different. We will see what the change in rules does for me. I am hoping that I stick to them!
Lastly, as for the job we are all waiting will be another 2-3 weeks to get an interview with the Vice President and Director. Hopefully that will be the last step in the hiring process (considering it has been over a month already).
Hope to get back to you all soon! Don't forget you can always leave comments on my blog, just click below the post on the comment part and it will let you! :) Thanks for reading!
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