The sun shone bright on a troubling day, a day where many people were sad, crying, and disturbed...but a little boy knew that his Mommy was there and that she continually cares about him. In this moment, a realization occurs for the parent, an epiphany of trust in love.
When, as a friend, parent, sibling, or relative, do you become aware that love is an allegiance between two souls? The attachment to another person has been a desire in my life in which I used to bombard others with. Yet now, I have my own little being walking around...and when I walk into the same room or space, a split second of pure bliss opens the air to tender devotion. I will never be perfect and I will not always know what to say, but I will always be here and I will always support every endeavor in his life.
I took a step away from the pain and looked across the big yard to see my son skipping around with his Pop. A breathe of fresh air, I feel, I escape into the world of happiness and take a squat lower to the ground. Our arms wide spread, open to the touch of love in only a matter of a second.

Difficulties in life arise like a hurricane creating disaster and fiasco, but when you take a step out of the trap - you feel sane. Nobody can take a moment like this away and to imagine the end of this love is a terrifying experience. I cannot understand, fathom, or perceive how one can abandon this pure love between a parent and child. It is disappointing and reckless, but at least now I have created this bond with my son. I know the feeling and comprehend the experience of love. I sympathize with those parents who have given up on this attachment because the receiving end is so rewarding. It is an unmeasurable honor to be a mother of a child who has the ability to show so much love.
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